Honey Cinnamon and Lemon Drink For Weight Loss Recipe

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🍋🍯 Honey Cinnamon and Lemon Drink For Weight Loss Recipe.

Ingredients and preparation: Honey, Cinnamon, and Lemon Drink For Weight Loss Recipe! Put 3 cinnamon sticks into a cooking pot. Add 3 cups of water. Cook the mixture on medium heat for 1 minute. Let the recipe cool down for an hour. Pour the drink into a glass or cup. Add the juice from half a lemon. You can add a teaspoon of honey. Stir well. Enjoy cold, warm, or at room temperature. You can add ice cubes as desired. Drink it before breakfast on an empty stomach. You'll notice amazing results after a short while. Keep drinking it until you get the desired results. ▶ Visit http://www.beaufitfully.com to discover how to burn belly fat fast without dieting and hard exercises!